Thursday, December 29, 2011

Weight training supplements

Weight training supplements can be very useful, when it comes to wanting to bulk up or build muscle. Protein powders are probably the most popular due to needing a lot of protein intake to get the muscle that you want to achieve. Yes, you can get protein from whole foods but the amount that you need is awful hard unless you are eating all the time. Bodybuilders often times uses protein powders as meal replacements or before and after workouts. Statistics say that a person wanting to bulk up should have a protein intake of 75% of their body weight daily. So someone who weighs 180 lbs. should take in about 135-140 grams of protein daily. Protein does not only help build muscle but also helps in the muscle recovery department due to extensive training. Weight training supplements can be rather expensive, so I would suggest just using them as snacks or before and after workouts. It is important to continue eating regular and not using these supplements as meal replacement but use them as extra protein intake. If you would like some more information on weight training supplements I have provided a site below to inform you a little more on this topic.